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Re: stock tires do not suck(oh yes they do)

At 3:37 PM -0500 1/31/2000, Bill Hussey wrote:
>They are well matched to the stock car and were a good move by VW in 
>my opinion.

I have to believe that VW made the decision for a particular reason. 
I'm going to guess that they got a really good deal on the GA's, 
because when it comes down to consumer cars, (i.e. not a Porsche) it 
all comes down to maximizing profit.

Anyhow, the decision structure that VW chose doesn't mean it matches 
my preference (which you were apt to point out, so I won't belabor 
the point), which is to say that that's how this all started anyhow-- 
I want better tires, and I'm going to happily pay for them.

And, if somehow those tires don't make the difference I was hoping 
for, I'm selling my Jetta and never buying another 2WD car ever 
again. Hopefully the tires will make a difference, and I can hold 
onto my Jetta for a couple more years until I *do* make the 4WD 
plunge. It's only a matter of time, how pathetic my car continues to 
handle will determine how fast...


Khan Klatt                                         khan@mediaaccess.com

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