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Re: stock tires do not suck(oh yes they do)

At 10:31 PM -0500 1/30/2000, Bill Hussey wrote:
>"George Turner, Jr" wrote:
>I have no problem with people who want more
>performance, I have a problem with people who blame their own driving problems
>on tires.

OK, I'm going to have to call bullshit on that one. If you're going 
to say that the problem with my setup is ME, and not the tires, that 
is a bunch of bullshit. You don't know what I experience every day in 
the morning, and I've had better experiences in a damn Corolla in 
this SAME situation than I've had with my lame GA's.

I drive my girlfriend's Jetta (A4 4banger chassis) and I have no 
problems going up the hill. In my A3 VR6? It's like a slip and slide.

>They are the best all around tire that VW could've put on this car.  From a
>price/performance/comfort standpoint, they should do well for all types of
>people.  Pure enthusiasts make up what??? ... 10% of Jetta owners.  Better
>(read: More expensive) tires would go to waste under the hands of the average
>Jetta owner.

Sure, the average Jetta owner, but the average GLX owner?

>Bring what to this list??  My comments .. well then maybe you should keep your
>mouth shut too??  One person writes in about the exceptional 
>performance he/she gets from high-performance tires, and how the 
>stockers pale in comparison.

I think George was a little out of line to tell you not to air your 
comments (I forget his exact wording), everyone's opinions (if 
properly aired with mutual respect) are welcome here, as long as they 
are essentially Jetta enthusiasts.

Personally, I have a problem with you blaming me for something that 
are fairly clearly the shortcomings of the tire. Unless I don't know 
what the hell I'm talking about (a distinct possibility) and no 
matter what tire I use I'll get the same experience...

But I doubt that's the case. I'll bet that there is a particular tire 
I'm looking for that will handle the wet in the Pacific Northwet 
better than these GA's, and I'll know that soon enough.

So, I'll post in a couple of months that, either

a) I'm the man, and you're wasting our time with your defense of the GA's, or

b) you're the man, and I'm wasting our time with my criticism of the 
GA's, and that I just wasted money on more expensive tires, and that 
see you guys, it's time for me to go and buy a 4WD sportscar, so 
maybe I'll see you on the Audi list.

Until then, let's end this relatively uninformative thread.


Khan Klatt                                         khan@mediaaccess.com

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