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Re: Thanks for sending bits of my private email back to the list Lance

I have lots of things to say to you, and have tried in the recent past to
keep it private, why you insist on handling (cutting and pasting) these
emails the way you do is beyond me or anyone else here.  You seem to have no
problem doing whatever the hell you deem OK, but no one else seems to have
the same right.

Again, sending any piece of a private email back to the list is just wrong
and is the basis for expulsion on any list I know of.

Copying Paul here at least might get his collective attention on the matter.

You are sad, sad person, whom hopefully will quickly get what is apparently
long overdue.

As I noted in the private message, that you did not post entirely, so as to
further feed your ego, do yourself a favor and tone it down before it is
your end. I am not doing this to be some kind of friend Lance, I am because
I know what it feels like to be left outside looking in, and once that does
happen you will be happen just to be able to read the posts, let alone
respond to them.

Good luck and seek some help, even Paul P. would forgive you.
----- Original Message -----
From: "Lance Jacobson" <lancejacob@attbi.com>
To: "Greg Odegaard" <grodeg@kalama.com>; <celtics@igtc.com>;
Sent: Monday, September 23, 2002 11:05 PM
Subject: Re: Thanks for sending bits of my private email back to the list

> Dear Greg-
> You printed my post in its entirety in your response.  If you have
something to say to
> me that's so significant, as well as critical, why would you not want it
on the board?
> You say it's because you don't want to bore everyone.  I think it's
interesting that
> THOSE comments were not for the board, but these were; taken from your
post of Sunday
> night, 10:21 PM.
>     IF a Lance pouts in the woods and no is there to hear him, does anyone
>     really care?
>     move on to something more interesting, or at least more becoming of
your intended
> goal
>     of having someone care that you even breath, let alone type with more
than one
> finger.
>     I just believe he keeps coming back for more with this blathering
drivel. Like a
> runner
>     getting trampled in Pamplona by the bulls, he just keeps getting back
up to get
> kicked in the head     again, and the amazing part it might make him
smarter, and it
> certainly doesn't hurt in the ugly             department
> Seems that THAT didn't need to be personal, did it?  Not that it matters
to me, but
> you're just showing yourself to be a pompous hypocrite.  "Drivel", "ugly",
"pouts". .
> . . real "appropriate" web talk for someone who's threatening expulsion.
> Hey, don't read anymore about what Paul's doing each week to degrade the
team unity.
> It won't matter to you, it seems.  I've nothing to pout about; you seem to
be doing
> fine all by yourself, and calling the hall monitor to your defense is
pretty strong
> proof or the weakness of your convictions.
> It's really very simple.  I'm sharing the information about the
Celtics--pro and
> con--that is published to help folks see that the team is at a real
crossroads.  Every
> player has warts and limitations, but few have the audacity to try to fit
the team
> around their own game.  Had Mourning, Hill, Iverson and O'Neal been
> healthy, this team wouldn't have made the playoffs last year.  Don't be
misled by the
> most unbalanced scoring in the NBA last year, and don't think that adding
a player to
> share in the mix is an easy thing.  Then again, I'm not sure WHAT you
believe, Greg. .
> .you're never really saying anything at all on this board.