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Re: A4 Vs A3 GLX

At 08:44 PM 9/25/1998 -0400, you wrote:
>	I will be buying my new GLX sometime soon, I'm in the midst of
>moving from Canada to the US (Cincinnati, OH) and am still unsure of if I
>should get the car here or in the States.  Also, am wondering if I should
>get a '99 A3 GLX or wait a few more weeks and get the A4 GLX (or is the
>GLX going to be out in spring?)
>	Does anyone have any idea about the cost of the A4 GLX?  I've also
>just found out that I get a car or $x / month allowance part of my move
>*evil grin* so cost is not so much of an issue.  
>	Two more question:
>	1) Anyone test driven or drive a Passat GLX?  Any thoughts on
>	   how the two cars compare (other than cost)
>	2) Would you guys recommend I get the A3 or wait a month or so for
>	   the A4 GLX


There seem to be differing opinions as to when the Jetta A4 will be
available.  I have heard dates ranging from somethime in October to the
beginning of 1999.  Some have also indicated that there are not many
current GLX's in the lots- this may be hearsay- I for one am waiting to see
the A4 GLX.  

As for the pricing, it is my understanding that the pricing will be similar
to the current prices- it would seem that it would be difficult to have a
significant increase.

 Andrew Ostergren