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A4 Vs A3 GLX


	I will be buying my new GLX sometime soon, I'm in the midst of
moving from Canada to the US (Cincinnati, OH) and am still unsure of if I
should get the car here or in the States.  Also, am wondering if I should
get a '99 A3 GLX or wait a few more weeks and get the A4 GLX (or is the
GLX going to be out in spring?)

	Does anyone have any idea about the cost of the A4 GLX?  I've also
just found out that I get a car or $x / month allowance part of my move
*evil grin* so cost is not so much of an issue.  

	Two more question:

	1) Anyone test driven or drive a Passat GLX?  Any thoughts on
	   how the two cars compare (other than cost)

	2) Would you guys recommend I get the A3 or wait a month or so for
	   the A4 GLX

