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Re: Misdirected E-mail #2/Take a deep breath all

    You have a problem with Tammo dissing Kenny but that is all you have done in
    regards to Pierce.  How come you can, but she can't?  Why the double

Very simple, Cecil.  Kenny's no longer our problem, no longer our asset.  Pierce,
OTOH, is very much here and very much turning off teammates wherever he plays. Read
the posts.  The number one concern is whether Baker has anything in the tank.  Number
two is whether Pierce will let him show it.

Andre Miller isn't the poster boy for "teamsmanship", if that means what I think it
means.  Trouble is, he's never been called selfish or unwilling to give tremendous
effort on the court.

The FACT is that Pierce has been called both, and not just in the FIBA games.  Face
it.  You want character references from teammates?  Don't ask, because you won't like
to hear who's got the problem being a teammate.  Hint:  it Ain't Andre.

Now, nobody's insulting anybody, so get off your high horse.  You keep creating issues
where there are none.  If Tammo's so sure that Kenny was a lousy guy for the team last
season please tell her to post her prediction for the Celtics W-L record.  I say they
win fewer games than last year, and thus committed to 45-37 season.  Let's hear what
getting "underachieving" Kenny off the squad will do for the team.  C'mon, Tammo.
Post your Prediction.