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Need Favor

Hi All,


First of all, great to see the winning streak.  Could we host a playoff


How have you all been? I broke some bones in my foot playing basketball and
am lying in a cast. Have not contributed or watched this list much.


2 things: This is an odd request but would anyone here (not already signed
up) mind signing up for the Celtics Beat newsletter? I need to get 20 people
signed up by Thursday, which is why I am asking people that I would not
otherwise ask. It takes about 30-60 seconds.  For those that aren't familiar
you will get some occasional interesting emails and notifications. You will
get some good C's info and I will hopefully win a prize. The things you have
to do score some tix!  http://enews.celtics.com/ajtk/servlet/JJ?T=161k1f
oo.com> &R=704211520&P=amyeb88@xxxxxxxxx


Finally, I want you all to see this rare clip I got of Larry Legend
(finally) having his number retired at ISU last Saturday. I almost fell off
my chair.Larry cried! Here is the link. Simply scroll down to the bottom and
click on Larry jersey retirement video see Larry:





Thanks and Peace!
