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Re: Obie lovers, just go away and die; Carroll just tied him

On Sunday, March 7, 2004, at 08:01 PM, Celtic4Hire@xxxxxxx wrote:

I have previously called Carroll Son of Obie. Boy, was I wrong. The only
thing that Carroll has in common with Obie is that they both have had a five game
winning streak this year.

The thing about Carroll you have to love, besides his ability to think on his feet, is that he tells it like it is. I enjoy his post game interview's very much, nothing like Obie. The Celtics might be falling for this guy.
Not to get ahead of myself, but a win in NY means they face the Lakers, without Kobe, on a 6 game win streak. That scenario would surely get some of the Ainge bashers squirming.
With the way Detroit and Dallas have been playing lately the Dallas pick could very well come prior to Detroit's. It would be interesting if those two picks ended up being back to back.