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Re: losing LaFrentz

Eggcentric@xxxxxxx wrote:

<< Of course, I'm not sure that any of the so-called 'insider information' that you've ever shared is not entirely your invention. >>

Too bad now you and CeltsSteve will never know, will you?

I'll admit I'm mildly curious, but it certainly doesn't keep me up at night. As mysteries go, there are many rather more interesting ones. The Internet is full of people pretending to be something they're not to enhance their stature, or just for sheer sport. In this case, it's a harmless little game that seems to give you great delight, and that I don't mind playing along because it sort of spices things up a little bit.

I apologize for embarrassing you, but I just did not anticipate that anyone
would take such a silly jargonesque post seriously.

Well, I'm just silly like that. I fall for things like the Nigerian heir scam, stupid card tricks, Pitino's coronation, Obie's subsequent ascendance as coach, "snakes" like Danny Ainge all the time...

I thought you knew how
I thought the entire Dr. Niednagel thing to be.

...which is precisely why I believed the relevant part of your joke - the whole thing is so farcical that the braindoc seems capable of anything. It's always the priors...

At any rate, as a consolation prize, you and Berry remain two of my favorite posters. And nothing you can do will ever change my stubborn opinion.

May I reciprocate? You know much I treasure your posts and hang on to every word of them, don't you? Just do me a favor and keep up the suspense, the incensed Celtics owners breathing down your neck be damned. This picaresque aspect is very important; otherwise, the whole thing would lose a lot of luster and turn into a banal Clancy novel. But you knew that, and would never do such a foolish thing, right?