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RE: [Celtics' Stuff Aberation II: The Sequel. Palacio pees his pa nts, Heisohn has orgasm.

Don't feel bad, JB, I felt the same way. I'm mystified by this team. I mean,
when you have guys going 1-for-15 in one half, and scoring 46 the next, what
can you say? When a team relies on two guys for 50 points a game and gets 26
on the road against an Eastern Conference finalist... and wins going away,
what can you say?
So I'm throwing up my hands and considering Jim O'Brien an idiot savant. Who
knew the recipe for winning included firing up 30 3-pointers, never shooting
free throws, getting outrebounded, shooting 38 percent from the floor, and
running an offense that consists of one pass per possession? It's Bizarro
basketball, but as long as it's working I'll just grumble to myself about
how ugly it is. I've given up trying to figure it out. I guess this is how
Red Sox fans felt about Jimy Williams.
-----Original Message-----
From: JB [mailto:JBMetzEA@Yahoo.com]
Sent: Sunday, December 02, 2001 5:55 PM
To: Celtic's Stuff; Celtics @ igtc.com
Subject: [Celtics' Stuff Aberation II: The Sequel. Palacio pees his pants,
Heisohn has orgasm.
   A week ago, I was sure that Jimmy O'Brien had nothing to give here. That
the inmates were running the asylum and that we would just fire threes and
walk the floor until O'Brien was fired, Walker was traded and some marine
sargent coach came in, to bring some discipline. 
   Hats off  to Jimmy.