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RE: re-Gaston is right

> Oh no, another "Jordan's overrated" statement.  Now I know what you're
> getting at with the refs ans all, I mean that sure did look like
> a clear out
> there on the last scoring play of Game 6 v the Jazz..... and there was
> illegal D calls missing..... and there was the 3 that was
> disallowed and the
> Kerr 2 that was not disallowed.....

Did you actually see the Pacers/bulls series? The bulls were essentially
given free rein, Pippen was allowed to mug Mark Jackson at every
opportuinity, but if anyone so much as breathed on Jordan it was a foul. How
about Ron Harper on Reggie Miller? Someone, I think it was Doug Collins of
all people, saw Harper grab Miller(for the umptienth time) and he said
essentially(I don't remember his exact statement) "how can the refs allow
Harper to defend Miller like that? You can't let any player guard an
established scoring star like that. the Pacer's can't win like that".

> But anyway you look at it - Jordan is not overrated on the court and he is
> certainly worth to the Bulls and the NBA every cent he recieves.

I would go so far as to say Jordan is merely a media creation. Even
statistically Larry Bird beat Jordan out(and Larry had just as many clutch
plays). Larry may not have as many titles but, to beat the dead horse, how
many times did Jordan beat the 80's celtics or lakers? And does anyone
really think today's,or even a few years ago's, bulls could beat either

> Does any man DESERVE that sort of money for being able to drop a pumped up
> bit of leather through an iron ring?

That I'll dispute. The players deserve at least what their getting. How many
games do you go to see in order to watch Paul Gaston?
