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Re: poor pros... sniff sniff

Noah P. Evans wrote:

> Have you ever seen a retired basketball player walk? All of those knee
> surguries, ankle and foot injuries sure make them look rather crippled to
> me. For a playing example look at Arvadys(sp?) Sabonis. He wasn't always
> that slow and stiff by any stretch of the imagination.

Well, what about the guy who goes to work for $10 - $15 an hour at a
construction site and hurts himself?  He ends up getting maybe workmans comp and
receiving maybe only 70% of his pay and he has been crippled for normal work!
These guys are paid millions to play basketball.  Also, whos to say at their
height that they won't have knee or ankle problems from normal wear and tear.
They should handle their money more efficiently and not throw it away on all the
flasshy things in life.  A basktball player, even at the minimum salary, will
make more in his career then most people make in their lifetime.  So I don't buy
the attitude of that they are crippled after a career in sports.  They chose
this living and no one forced them to do it.

> And pro baskbetball players bring in an even larger amount to their teams.
> How much money(other than membership dues) do you bring in at the local Y?

Remember that the owners have invested their money to run the team.  They should
be more fiscally responsible and not hand out such lucrative contracts to
players that haven't even proven themselves.  there is no one worth 20 -30
million a year to play a sport.  No matter how great they are.  This is a
business and the owners have a right to make a profit.

> Noah