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RE: re-Gaston is right

>>Jordan is an exception. He gives the dollars worth
>> every time he
>> puts his trunks on.
>Can we say overrated, boy and girls? Especially after this year's playoffs.
>The pacers/bulls series was a travesty. Did you know that superstars used to
>foul out in the early years of the NBA? What happened? They call them the
>Jordan rules for a reason.

Oh no, another "Jordan's overrated" statement.  Now I know what you're
getting at with the refs ans all, I mean that sure did look like a clear out
there on the last scoring play of Game 6 v the Jazz..... and there was
illegal D calls missing..... and there was the 3 that was disallowed and the
Kerr 2 that was not disallowed.....  

But anyway you look at it - Jordan is not overrated on the court and he is
certainly worth to the Bulls and the NBA every cent he recieves.  

Does any man DESERVE that sort of money for being able to drop a pumped up
bit of leather through an iron ring?


Karen J Davies   )         PO Box 376          (          Jeremy Davies
Sports Journalism)      Cessnock NSW 2325      (     Writer-in-progress
& Photographics  )          AUSTRALIA          (Fantasy, horror, sci-fi