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Apple "Scrumping"

	RE:> Hi there!  I think I agree with Jake: it isn't a subtle play on
	>         As for "apple scrumping"...
	>         The Who knows! <grin>

	I may not be Adam, but I believe to "scrump" an apple is English slang
meaning to "steal" an apple, or for the poetically inclined, "To
wantonly purloin nature's golden bounty from the bough."
	I *had* been wondering what "scrumping" meant for many years, until I
read the recent issue of GOLDMINE with the Ray Davies interview... he
mentioned that he and his brother would "scrump apples" when they were
kids... and get in trouble for it.
	Any confirmation of this terminology from our friends in the UK?
	Every good wish--Tom Farrell