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Preferencial treatment

Here is a topic that can lead to a good debate.
Lets say you live in Anytown and also in Anytown is AnyVW dealership. After
getting a price on a new car you decide to drive across the river to the
Othertown. In Othertown is OtherVW. The price is $50.00 cheaper than the
same car at AnyVW. The car is purchased from OtherVW. A problem develops on
the way home from OtherVW and since you live in Anytown you decide to take
the car to AnyVW.  Now here comes the question . What kind of treatment
should you receive from AnyVW?  Should you get preferential because it is
brand new or punished because it was purchased at OtherVW?

Here is my answer. In my opinion the customers who purchase cars at my
dealership should get preferential treatment over customers who live in
town and purchased from other dealers. 


The CSI rating is reflected upon the service performed. I can't tell you
how many cars we fix that have been to other dealers. The customer contacts
the regional VW Representative and he has them bring the car to my shop.
In the end we get jammed in the ass and receive a poor CSI rating. I can't
understand why? We fixed the car. The problem is in how the CSI questions/
answers are evaluated. The customer replies that the car wasn't fixed right
the first time. Our dealership number comes up and bingo were screwed. The
car wasn't fixed right at another dealer, but that doesn't show up in the
