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Re: ''You wonder where Ainge is taking the Celtics'' - MacMullan (Globe)

< In turn, let me ask you: why do you buy into Obie's PR firm's thinking 
that the Eric Williamses of the world are what we need to take us to 
the promised land? > - Kestas

I can only refer you to the Patriots ... few stars but the right pieces.  
Eric Williams is only a symbol in all this and you know I was never an 
Obie fan.  But if Ainge retained Obie (his first decision) he should have 
brought Obie new guys Obie could work with.  If he did not approve of 
Obieism, then he should have brought in a coach he did approve of.  
Seems to me Ainge has caused all of this ugliness.  He has swallowed 
the bait for any "good deal" no matter how it fit into our present OR 
future scheme.  
        "I'll think about that tomorrow."  - Scarlet Ainge

You just can't enter as a bull in the china shop and hope to retain team 
unity, loyalty, or fan support. Nor can you exclude them.  As for the 
Celt "kindnesses" to Baker, a buyout is in the works to save face/legal 
ramifications on the seedy deal they set up with him when he and 
his proud family were at their lowest ebb last season.  After all, 
alcohol abuse is not listed on the CBA contract of no-no's and such
an agreement could cause lots of legal crapola.  Wyc, Ainge, etc. 
knew that but tried to pull a fast one.  They will still come out of 
it pretty well as Baker was never worth his full contract sober or not.  
Now if they could only fill a few more seats with the product they 
have put on the floor for us including the Jumbotron, loud fan 
promotions, and hyper people-person Willie May or may not.
