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Re: So what exactly did Heinsohn say?

A bit late but....

< Gotta love Peter May's column today: gee, wonder which side on Obiegate
 Van Grundy will take? What intrepid reporting.
... The only bad side of Obie's leaving the bench (I won't say "quit," since
 he did that long before he tendered his resignation) is that he can't take
 the media hacks with him on his way out of town. Mark Murphy salivates 
over the prospect of Obie coaching in NJ with Eric Williams and Mark 
Blount at his side.
... What happened to the days when journalists reported rather than
 editorialized.  (Egg - I thought many of this list's gripes with the
local press were due to them merely reporting factual quotes rather 
than stating their own twisted minds)... or did they ever exist? 
When we start taking the "wisdom" of Springer, Murphy and May over 
the words of Cousy, Max and Heinsohn (Egg: which groupsb livelihood is 
dependent on being past or present Celt-friendly?) -- and, I might add, 
the plain evidence of our own eyes -- it will be a sad day. > 
- Tom Murphy

It's all a CONSPIRACY, Tom. 
    ''If the early days of Ainge's leadership indicate what is to 
    come, the future is nothing to look forward to.<''  - Holley, 1/28

    ''There have been some noted lows in franchise history, but few 
    have been lower than this.<''  - Ryan, 1/28

    <''There is a growing sense that the organization is adrift, that 
    Ainge is trying to move to fast and that while he may know his 
    basketball,he is a little weak in the people department.<''   
    - Ryan, 1/28

    <''They (Wyc and Steve) are now presiding over a certified disaster 
    of a franchise.<'' - Ryan, 1/28

    ''You wonder where Ainge is taking the Celtics.<'' - Jackie Mac,1/28

    <''He (Ainge) looked at it strictly as a basketball transaction, both 
    in terms of talent and cap space, and later explained he thought 
    chemistry and leadership were overrated. Apparently, he thinks 
    defense is overrated, too.<''  - Jackie Mac, 1/28

    <''This is where I part company with Ainge. You cannot measure 
    athletes or coaches strictly on points and rebounds, or X's and O's. 
    Character does matter. Chemistry is essential.<'' - Jackie Mac, 1/28

<   ''With these things, there always has to be a reason, there always 
    has to be somebody that's at fault. But I don't really think that 
    I'm at fault.<'' - Ainge via Shira, 1/28

    <''Time will judge whether Ainge's moves to date will strengthen 
    the Celtics' bid to win or fate them to more visits to the draft 
    lottery.  But there is no question that Ainge and the C's needed 
    O'Brien's stability through the storm.<''  - Bulpett, 1/28

    ''But word from two sources yesterday was that perceived pressure
    from ownership (Egg - these are the real culprits; Ainge is but their
    puppet) had more to do with O'Brien's call. Maybe he saw imperfection 
    on an even higher plane than Ainge and sought to avoid an expected 
    crash.'' - Bulpett, 1/28

    <''Two Celtics sources confirmed that O'Brien was angered by 
    comments from Wyc Grousbeck in a Herald story last Sunday. The 
    Celtics owner spoke of his expectations in light of the team's two 
    major trades this season, and that the organization never 
    ``consciously'' took a stepback when deciding to make the trades.<''  
    - Murphy, 1/28

    ''The playing time of Banks and Hunter noticeably increased over 
    the last two weeks. Ainge, however, expressed surprise that O'Brien 
    would find his methods intrusive.<''  - Murphy, 1/28

Oh no, has the local Press upset you by backing up what I had vehemently 
been shrieking and squeaking in fifty different sharps and flats?  Or do
you merely feel they, too, are idiots for thinking as they do?  

Due to my naivete,  I had originally hoped that I might balance/add a bit 
of color to the IGTC list by stabbing at all the <''perceived<'' falsehoods 
I was reading about Ainge.  I felt if I merely spoke truths as I knew
them to be and honestly attempted to back up such assertions 
(recently downgraded to innuendo) it might add a bit of input, a 
dissenting voice to this pro-Danny list.  Cheesh, do you think I failed?  
Not the first time in my life, I assure you, and probably not the last. 

Coming from someone I so respected, your remarks sure got me wondering 
if I had merely allowed my brain to lie where my heart and eyes lay.  But 
then I rationalized that maybe it was just a case of truth forever on the 
scaffold, wrong forever on the throne?  

Ever true to myself (don't you dare fall asleep on me now; it's not even
1 PM yet), I came up with this. It is what has kept me ticking while all
was not clicking.  Here it is, DRUM ROLL PLEASE.  

Just maybe, the highy-respected (at least by me) Tom Murphy, the seldom 
heard from lurker Adam Litchy (except for the three times per Bball season
he feels he cannot stand to read yet one more post from the half-crazed Egg), 
and our favorite chameleon (step to the front, DForant, and take a bow) 
should begin to acknowledge our teambs realities and face them without 
soft concealments and the spreading of blame to all the wrong places... i.e.
this precious little Egg... you sh-tl-ss bullies!!!!!!!!  

Can't stand to hear negative opinions oh mighty Celt experts?  Betcha
you would likely enjoy watching the Celts more if you had never added 
your written-in-ink tomes to such a mouth board.  I always wondered
how that worked... like for instance, if you bravely state you don't 
like Pierce, do you then hope he goes 1 for 20 with 6 TO's each game?


The Deviled Egg 
(leftover from SB party; dizzied and dazzled, but sorta hanging in)