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Re: Draft mockery (guards)

At 03:53 PM 5/27/2003 -0700, you wrote:
Ray, you don't like the Diaw pick. I'd say that if the
best PGs (Hinrich, Barbosa, Gaines) are gone, the C's
might be better off letting Boris learn the position
than bringing in a second-tier collegiate PG like
Marcus Moore, Marcus Banks or Mo Williams.
Now, I don't know a damn thing about Boris Diaw, except what I've read. But haven't we seen enough of this "learning to play the [PG]" to know that it doesn't work? But one thing scares me even more - his reported lack of aggressiveness. That's death for a player in a league as cutthroat as the NBA. There are many things a successful NBA player can do without - height, athleticism, a decent shot, dribbling ability, but aggressiveness is not one of them. The most talented of these Derrick McKey/Joe Johnson types can hang on for a decade, because somebody keeps giving them a chance in the hopes that they'll develop that elusive aggressiveness. But they never become more than talented drifters. Haven't the Celtics taken their share of drifters in the last few years? JJ, Kedrick, Moiso... And the French background is an aggravating circumstance.