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Re: There is an opportunity with Miami

--- You wrote:

Anyway, doesn't this seem like a good, fair deal?
--- end of quote ---

I'd do it, and so would Paul M., I'm sure :)

That said, I haven't seen TJ Ford play, and have no idea how he'll work out in
the NBA. Grant, though, is exactly what Toine is not - a prototypical,
efficient PF. Not as much talent as Toine, but he sure gets a lot more out of
it. Besides, as I've said many times before, if there's one coach that could
make Toine the player he should be, it's Riley. I think Riles would personally
strangle Twan, if he tried to pull the same crap in Miami. 
I actually know how we could pull it off (meaning, get Ainge to do it). Let's
get in touch with "Dr." Niednagel . . . A small fee in the low six figures
should do the trick in getting the good doc to see that Grant is the right
brain type for the Celtics and Twan is not. I'm starting a collection for this
cause - let's call it "Operation Just Cause", or "Operation Celtic Freedom" 

Kestas, one of those insane Anti-Twan maniacs, who can't see how selflessly and
heroically Toine sacrificed his numbers for the good of the team :)