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Re: no sure thing . . . Hunter

At 07:45 PM 7/20/2003 -0700, gene kirkpatrick wrote:
I don't know, guys; this Hunter fellow is probably not even 6' 6". And he's over 250 pounds; must have lead feet.

He doesn't though Gene. Honest. I was there and saw him. I think people are going a bit overboard with some of the praise such as talk of him replacing Walker - he's definitely got rough spots and I disagree with Mark I think who said something about his always playing within himself - but he is VERY active and NOT slow. And he gets up there. Not Kedrick leaping, but not Walker not leaping either. The inevitable Sir Charles comparisons are closer there -if you take the young, unpolished Sir Charles- than with a lot of guys I've seen them made to. He's not as skilled, of course, but he hustles, can play, and offers something we don't already have on the bench that the entire world knows we need. That last should be key to the decision.

Just because he got a few rebounds in the summer league--what does that prove? A 56th choice has two and a half strikes against him anyway.

Not much in a vacuum, admittedly, it's what he shows in getting them. Look, last year's summer league, I noticed that when JR was on the floor was the only time our offense had the slightest sign of flow and how few mistakes he made in a setting MADE for error filled schoolyard play. it wasn't the assists or points he got, it was what he showed getting them. Ditto with Hunter. That 250 pounds is pure sculpted muscle - something like only 6% body fat, which is part of why no lead feet- that he knows how to use and has the drive to use beyond obvious height limitations. With enough room for improvement that paired with that drive you have to believe he will get better. The talent may be limited at summer league, but the hunger certainly isn't. He showed that he's got plenty of that hunger that is the biggest key with things like rebounding.

Ha. I'm delighted if we follow through and sign him, both because he sounds like a stud inside man and because we need to launch out with something other than retreads on the bench. Cheers for Ainge if he makes this work. Gene

Me too. I figure at a minimum, even if we don't sign him because of ownership money issues, I like what picking him shows for the future about Danny's eye for what we need and picking people to fill those needs. He's not same old same old and IMO there's genuine upside vs that just being a buzzword.

Isn't it nice to have players coming in people are genuinely getting excited about, instead of just oh nooooos and who's that?