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Re: thoughts on this list and the Celtics

Eggy, it's very hard to respond, given the incoherent
nature of the reply.  But I tried, nonetheless...

--- Eggcentric@aol.com wrote:
> And so another sniper takes aim from the sanctuary
> of a Mosque.  
> Since my computer's PWS (Profanity Warning System)
> was flashing 
> red alert, I should have known better than to read
> your bitter little 
> outburst/diatribe.  
> So what's with your mean-spirited, grouchy little
> group, Mr. 
> Omnipresent?  Are the Celts frustrating all of you
> to the point where 
> your only defense is to attack THE MESSENGERS, not
> their messages? 

Good point (at least applied to the others you are
grouping me in with).  But I wasn't attacking WHAT you
said as much as HOW you said it.  There's a
difference.  Read further...
> Offend one of you, offend all... or are you all the
> same person?  You 
> sound a lot like the nasty BillyBird under an alias
> ... except you 
> are funnier.  You actually found a hundred ways to
> use suck, f--k, 
> masturbation, sh-t, and motherf--k in expressing
> your dissatisfaction
> with how the quality of this list's writing has
> headed so South.  
> Now that is a classic. 

Ah, an apparent contradiction.  You are correct that I
chided the list on its insipid restatement of various
viewpoints until the effect is not agreement but
disgust.  However, that does not preclude me from
using any word I please, and if you'll read my
response to Snoop, you'll see why.  Each word had an
intention and was put there for more than the usual
reasons (that is, to shock or disgust or offend). 
However, perhaps the level of subtlety was too
esoteric for the masses...

> Might I be so bold as to suggest that you and fellow
> depressed board 
> members of BABIES UNLIMITED (BillyBird, Hironaka,
> ever-charming 
> Grodeg, and all other once proud and legendary
> Pulitzer types who freely 
> grazed the plains of this list prior to the Celt's
> current predicament) 
> form your own private Celt message board?  That
> would enable you all 
> to prance around in pristine white robes and post
> your stimulating tomes, 
> pontificating back and forth without the threat of
> hurtful opposing views.  

Good idea.  But I like this list.  It is a very
diverse group with usually good discussion.  And let's
be honest about something:  After Bill Bird and Joe H.
left, Mark and Kestus became, so to speak, the Antione
and Paul of the list.  They are the ones that post the
most and often best comments.  They, in a few words,
are our go-to-guys.  But Mark and Kestus, though I
disagree with their assessment of Antione and other
things, nonetheless used to always present their ideas
in logical, thoughtful and interesting manners.  In
this way, I was able to "see" their viewpoints without
having to agree with them.  In short, they were
communicating effectively.  But lately, Mark and
Kestus, as well as the other posters prone to
unproductive negativity, have simply begun using this
list as a place of catharsis, which, while ultimately
worth-while (as it helps the writer heal whatever
percieved illness they possess) for the individual, is
non-conducive to communication (and thus non-conducive
to the "community" that is this list serve).  And so,
basically, all I was doing was calling them on it. 
They used to be pretty cool list contributors (and, in
fact, the Paul and Antione), but lately they have lost
that...and I was just letting them know.  Is that to
say I think they should never post their catharsis to
the list?  No, they are free and can do what they
want.  But, as one human to another (and as one
listmember to another), I was giving my opinion as to
what I percieved to be a shortcoming.  It is basically
what I was saying to you, Eggy...that is, if you are
here to communicate (and that is my primary assumption
towards all listmembers), then maybe you should look
at how you communicate to see whether it is an
appropriate means to that supposed end.

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