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Re: a Basketball game broke out yesterday...

It's called a sucker punch in the profession. I don't think it's thuggery
fouling a dummy that can't shoot foul shots, it's smart basketball. Shaq
will get the worst of it, a fine and suspension. In fact if Shaq did connect
and did do damage, a civil suit would probably have followed. In the court
room for all to see, a sucker punch being thrown. Do I recall M.L. Carr
being a hit man for the Celts???


----- Original Message -----
From: <snoopy1@pig.net>
To: <celtics@igtc.com>
Sent: Sunday, January 13, 2002 12:43 PM
Subject: a Basketball game broke out yesterday...

> You've all heard the old saw--usually in reference to hockey games
> A: Yesterday's Philly/NYR game, where the first fight started in the
> pregame skate).
> Now, we have thuggery going on in the NBA.  Not that this is anything new,
> as anyone who remembers Bill Laimbeer's playing days knows all to
> well.  But last night it went to an all time low in Chicago.
> Late in the game, Chicago, playing against the Lakers, was practicing it's
> usual form of defense against Shaq--foul him and watch him miss from the
> line.  Shaq is not the only recipient of this kind of defensive strategy,
> but the problem is magnified given his sheer size--you can't just "nudge"
> him while he takes his shot, he wouldn't notice it as he slammed the ball
> through the hoop.
> But this time, it was really bad.  Brad Miller of Chicago wrapped his arms
> around Shaq's shoulder, near his neck, sot of hanging on for dear
> life.  Yes, a flagrant foul, and even Shaq will slow down while dragging a
> couple hundred pounds off his shooting arm.  But then Charles Oakley
> literally jumped on Shaq's back, apparently forgetting this was basketball
> and not football.
> Needless to say, the flagrant foul was being called, but Shaq shrugged the
> people off, and lurched after Miller, who was walking away.  Shaq
> to unlimber two roundhouse punches to the back of Miller's head.  Two
> Chicago players made a flying tackle and brought Shaq down on top of
> Miller, and the fight was on.  It took several minutes to sort things out,
> during which Time Rick Fox started harassing the refs and was promptly
> booted.  Shaq, Miller, and Oakley were also tossed.
> In the past, I've been of a mind to say, "If Shaq doesn't want to be
> so often, then he should make his free throws more than once a year."
> Pierce takes a beating under the basket, too, but he sinks his shots, so
> fouling him is not a smart percentage play the way it is against Shaq.
> But there's a difference between a hard foul and a flagrant one--no matter
> what I think of the Lakers, I'm not in favor of anyone getting
> hurt, that's why they have the flagrant foul rules.  There should be a
> clear line and Miller crossed it.  Oakley did nothing but make matters
> But hard fouls or not, there's no excuse to come up swinging, much less
> doing so from behind.  He could have crippled or killed Miller had Miller
> not moved his head slightly to clear the cobwebs, inadvertently denying
> Shaq a solid punch.  Anywhere but on the court (or ice, if applicable),
> Shaq's actions were aggravated assault and battery at the least.  I
> wouldn't have had him ejected, I'd have called the police.
> Suspending Shaq does little harm to the Lakers, as with Kobe Bryant
> a lock for the playoffs even if they keep goofing off.  A fine of anything
> less then seven figures won't even dent his bank account.
> But a clear message has to be sent--this is not acceptable.  Do this and
> you will suffer appropriately serious consequences.  I don't want to wait
> until someone gets seriously injured or killed in an NBA game before
> is taken.
> Shaq should be ejected for the season and Oakley as well.  I personally
> think Shaq SHOULD be arrested and charged, probably Oakley too, but I know
> that won't happen.  Both should forfeit the year's salary and be required
> to take anger management courses, and do public service announcements
> against the use of violence.  ALL NBA teams should be clearly told that
> difference between a foul and flagrant foul will be closely scrutinized
> serious punishment meted out to violators.
> Think it couldn't happen here?  Think again.  Let's not wait for the
> Celtics or any other team to fall victim to thuggery, theirs or anyone