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Re: what a shmuck Holley is


IMHO, doing good works should not negate the bad things people do. I agree
and applaud the effort being made by Mo and Antoine, but even Holley said
that Antoine used to be too selfish to "give back" when he first became a
Celtic. I am somewhat cynical about athletes doing "good works" and then
looking for credit for it. They have vast resources to do this...they
SHOULD do this type of thing and they shouldn't be looking for credit or
absolution from bad things they do in return. That is the ultimate in
selfishness. Be humble. Live your whole life this way and I'll respect you.
Do disrespectful things to yourself and others and THEN do good works, I am
cynical about your motivations or your intent. I should respect Mo Vaughn
simply because he does good works? I look at the whole man and say, "yes,
but"....same with Antoine. I respect humble people like Adrian Griffin who
go about their business and are grateful for the things they have. 

Respect and appreciation, for me, can be different. I appreciate Antoine
and Mo, but I don't fully respect them.
I didn't swipe at his good works, I was drawing a parallel to Mo's other
off-field behavior which has nothing to do with working with kids. In Mo's
case it has to do with getting lap dances, drinking to excess (and then
driving) and eating like a glutton...all documented. That is not someone I
would want kids to look up to. 


At 07:36 PM 8/25/00 -0700, you wrote:
>From: Theresa Lee
> I love the part where Antoine wants to be just like Mo
>> Vaughn...what's that? Fat and rolling his truck over on the way back from
>> the Foxy Lady?
>Theresa, I know you are pissed at Holley and Toine but Mo Vaughn went out of
>his way to do alot for many of Boston's youth and other innercity
>organizations.  If Toine wanted to emulate that, he shoould be commended
>instead of ridiculed IMHO.  So many athletes nowadays don't give a damn as
>soon as the game is over and here's a young man who cares for youth
>evidenced by these camps that he operates.
>You can shit on him for being not in game shape or for jacking up stupid
>shots sometimes or getting scorched on defense occasionally, but taking a
>swipe for trying to work with youth isn't cool IMHO.