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Re: Unmasking the Ghost

In a message dated 3/18/99 3:23:10 PM Central Standard Time, GMOdegaa@rmc.com

>  I have had
>  it up to hear with this fake identity crap.
   Greg makes a point here, and one to which I have given thought of late.
But I hasten to point out that I am computer illiterate, and the reason why I
have never posted my full name is that I have never figured out how to do one
of those "internet signature" deals when here on AOL.  I have been Douglas342
since the day I joined AOL.  Why that name?  The program "suggested" it and I,
gullibly, said, "OK."
    But I concur with him (although not to the same degree, I fear) about
pseudonyms.  There is something comforting about knowing that he is Greg
Odegaard, and Jim is Mennino, etc.  And I am often curious about who you
people are in reality.  Why is Greg in Portland a Celtic fan?  And Warwick:
what's a kid from Down Under doing as a Celts fanatic?  MG:  are you Ray?  Who
are you all and why are you Celtic fans?
    I thus sacrifice myself on the altar of disclosure. Douglas 342 is Doug
Haigh, now living in Long Beach, California after spending the first 30 years
of life in Cambridge, Mass.  I'm a Celtic fan because I grew up in Boston and
my father took me to playoff games during the 60s.  I spend much of my day
wearing a black robe in a family law (divorce) court.
    So who are the rest of you?