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Re: Unmasking the Ghost

My name is Larry Taylor and I grew up in nearby R.I. and used to listen to the
games with my father.  I have always been a Boston fan (of all sports) even though
I have moved around the country quite a bit.  I own a computer store in southern
Maryland.  Thaty is why I am stuck in Wizardland.

Douglas342@aol.com wrote:

> In a message dated 3/18/99 3:23:10 PM Central Standard Time, GMOdegaa@rmc.com
> writes:
> >  I have had
> >  it up to hear with this fake identity crap.
>    Greg makes a point here, and one to which I have given thought of late.
> But I hasten to point out that I am computer illiterate, and the reason why I
> have never posted my full name is that I have never figured out how to do one
> of those "internet signature" deals when here on AOL.  I have been Douglas342
> since the day I joined AOL.  Why that name?  The program "suggested" it and I,
> gullibly, said, "OK."
>     But I concur with him (although not to the same degree, I fear) about
> pseudonyms.  There is something comforting about knowing that he is Greg
> Odegaard, and Jim is Mennino, etc.  And I am often curious about who you
> people are in reality.  Why is Greg in Portland a Celtic fan?  And Warwick:
> what's a kid from Down Under doing as a Celts fanatic?  MG:  are you Ray?  Who
> are you all and why are you Celtic fans?
>     I thus sacrifice myself on the altar of disclosure. Douglas 342 is Doug
> Haigh, now living in Long Beach, California after spending the first 30 years
> of life in Cambridge, Mass.  I'm a Celtic fan because I grew up in Boston and
> my father took me to playoff games during the 60s.  I spend much of my day
> wearing a black robe in a family law (divorce) court.
>     So who are the rest of you?