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All the facts you note are real, but again winning against whatever odds and obstacles, real or otherwise, is still winning.  Compare a HS ball championship in your home state; sure it is only teenagers but they still won the highest level that was afforded them.  It is not the Spurs fault that this season was the fiasco that it was, remember the league locked the players out.  Given how the Spurs are playing, can anyone imagine them being beaten during a normal season, or likely next year?  Not me, and once again, regardless of the reasons, this title will be justly earned and worthy of historical respect.

I mean is the Bush Presidency any less important just because he only had to beat Dukakis?  Sure give me Ronny as a lead in and my opponent looking like an idiot in a tank, and any fool could have run and won, right?  Oh I forgot, the Duke was from Ol Mass and therefore is not worthy of my scorn.

Debate politics with me off line, it is going over the head of most I am certain.  Later,