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Re: Too good to be true

I'm reading some really amazing things today.  Hunter equating the 
players' "strugle" to the civil rights movement and the underground 
railroad!  Excuse me, aren't we talking about some of the wealthiest, 
most pampered people on the planet here?  Isiah Thomas talking about 
getting involved?  The agent who said he doesn't belong is absolutely 
right (there's a first time for everything).  He isn't a player anymore 
and has personal interest in seeing the season start.  

Bottom line?  I think 57% might be reasonable if (as reported) the union 
has agreed to caps on salaries for ALL players.  That is a HUGE 
concession and, in my opinion, is just the first step in controlling the 
way salaries in all sports escalate.  Keep in mind that the 57% would 
not be reached for 6 years.  By that time, the league would have a new, 
and more lucrative TV deal.  Other costs are not escalating at the same 
rate as salaries.  This deal says that salaries will match revenue 
growth for the next 6 years.  That is cost certainty, isn't it?  

I think (I hope) the reason Stern has turned so tough is that a few 
weeks ago he saw that he could get a deal that he would accept.  After 
that point, he might as well play tough and get as much as he can.  If 
his goal was cost certainty, and now he's getting it, he might as well 
turn the screws and get as much of the BRI as he can.  

I'm still hoping the owners get as much as they can, and that there's a 
settlement this week.  If what results is a system that stops salaries 
from outpacing revenues, I think it will have been worth it.


>Date: Sat, 02 Jan 1999 21:30:59 -0500
>From: bocelts@scsn.net (R. Bentz Kirby)
>To: Boston Celtics <celtics@igtc.com>
>Subject: Too good to be true
>When I read the articles about the players offers, I figured it was too 
good to be true, and I was right.  I thought the players were offering 
55% of revenues.  But it is slated to move up to 56% and then to 57%. It 
seems they don't get it.  The owners paid out 57% last year.  They 
locked you out.  They aren't going to agree to pay 57%.

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