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Bye Bye, all!

To my fellow Celtic's List members:

Since I will no longer be utilizing this specific e-mail account after today, I
will be leaving the Celtics forum...temporarily.

As soon as I establish a new e-mail address (read:  as soon as I figure
out whether to use my school account full-time or to exclusively employ
another account), I'll be back--probably a little closer to the season.

Over time, I've grown accustomed to utilizing many of your unique
perspectives in analyzing our collective favorite team.  What I'll miss most
is the collective "flavor" of the list.  From Dorine's "Celtic tradition" genre,
to Bill Cooper's performance analysis, Joe Hironka's eloquently crafted
soliloquies, Paul M's sardonic wit, Greg Oodergard's pragmatism, Alex's
mathematical wizardry, Way of the Ray's media mastery, Thresea Lee's
inside view, Cecil's "old-school Celtics" perspective, Warwick's
creativity...and of course, the list could go on and on.  Sorry that I wasn't
able to mention everyone.

I've enjoyed everyone's commentary very much, and look forward to
interacting with you all soon!

Ryan Falcone