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Re: Screw the Players

Patrick Goggin wrote:
>I've stayed relatively quiet on the lock-out issue largely because
>it has taken me a long while to form my opinions and realize my >allegiance.I wholeheartedly believe in capitalism and market value but >when it comes to sports, if teams don't play within the confines of a >system that promotes an equal playing field, it really isn't sport.  >Here's a few excerpts from Paul Daugherty of the Cincinnati Enquirer >regarding baseball and the Reds.  I think it's very pertinent >basketball's lock-out.
>"Facts:  No team with a payroll less than $44 million had a winning >record. No team since 1991 has won a World Series without a top-five >payroll. The bottom-five Opening Day payrolls were in Detroit, >Pittsburgh, Montreal,Cincinnati, and Oakland.  You'd need a space >shuttle to get those teams to first place.  Of the top five payrolls, >four made the playoffs. This rancid type of system is already affecting >the NBA.  Those bastards in chicago win every year largely because the >system allows them to pay one player more than some cities can afford >to pay 2/3 of a team. Every time a big-time free agent's future is     >tossed around, the teams from Chicago, New York, and Pheonix, and L.A. >are ALWAYS mentioned, either because they are in formidable markets, or >because they have the richest management.  The NBA is on its way to >becoming a league of haves and have nots.  The nauseating meeting of >the player's union in Las Vegas this past week and the cowardly remarks >from!
 jordan, Robinson and the lot on
ly further entrenched my support of >the owners in this ridiculous fight.
>By the way, if we lose Antoine Walker, it will be a greater loss
>than was Len Bias 10 years ago.  I wouldn't trade him for P.J., >Mashburn, AND Strickland.
> Goggin in Cincinnati
	I totally agree with your remarks. A lot has been said that the owners
should be able to control their payrolls, but if they all refuse to pay
the players more than, for example $5 mill a year, they would be sued
for collusion and IMO that is why they are insisting on a hard cap so as
not to put them in that position as baseball was about 8-10 years ago.
	Just as an aside, I was laughing so hard when David (I can't win the
big ones but pay me $15 mill a year anyway) Robinson, Michael(beg me not
to retire and pay me $35 mill a year isn't enough)Jordan, Patrick(Its
hard to get along on $18 mill a year) Ewing and lets not forget Charles
(I don't care what the fans think) Barkley saying how united they are
against those unfair owners. I guess it is tough to work for an employer
who is only willing to pay out an average of just $2 mill per player a
year. BOO HOO. The only contract problem that exists is with money that
these chump superstars(most don't care about winning anyway but only
about the money) are using up of the total per team cap leaving the
Bruce Bowens of the world to make chump change. 
