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Screw the Players

	I've stayed relatively quiet on the lock-out issue largely because
it has taken me a long while to form my opinions and realize my allegiance.
I wholeheartedly believe in capitalism and market value but when it comes
to sports, if teams don't play within the confines of a system that
promotes an equal playing field, it really isn't sport.  Here's a few
excerpts from Paul Daugherty of the Cincinnati Enquirer regarding baseball
and the Reds.  I think it's very pertinent basketball's lock-out.

"Facts:  No team with a payroll less than $44 million had a winning record.
No team since 1991 has won a World Series without a top-five payroll.  The
bottom-five Opening Day payrolls were in Detroit, Pittsburgh, Montreal,
Cincinnati, and Oakland.  You'd need a space shuttle to get those teams to
first place.  Of the top five payrolls, four made the playoffs."

	This rancid type of system is already affecting the NBA.  Those
bastards in chicago win every year largely because the system allows them
to pay one player more than some cities can afford to pay 2/3 of a team.
Every time a big-time free agent's future is tossed around, the teams from
Chicago, New York, and Pheonix, and L.A. are ALWAYS mentioned, either
because they are in formidable markets, or because they have the richest
management.  The NBA is on its way to becoming a league of haves and have
nots.  The nauseating meeting of the player's union in Las Vegas this past
week and the cowardly remarks from jordan, Robinson and the lot only
further entrenched my support of the owners in this ridiculous fight.
	By the way, if we lose Antoine Walker, it will be a greater loss
than was Len Bias 10 years ago.  I wouldn't trade him for P.J., Mashburn,
AND Strickland.

Goggin in Cincinnati