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Delete, another meaningless attack.

Of course Jim won't get this, but for anyone's concern I feel I must speak
up.  Hopefully for those who don't care, you can delete.

McMasterbate got on a mighty high horse about copyright laws, as he points
out, many months ago.  He accused some of us of violating NEVER enforced
laws regarding internet copyright concerns, whereby we could get our list
shut down if we posted said material.  In calling him on this matter (my bs
detector actually broke on this piece of worthless crap)he went ballistic.
The threats, attacks and obscenities he speaks of started from him, when
after a few messages he couldn't keep up on an intelligent level.
Essentially he stooped to an intelligent level he could deal with, and then
gave up when I blew him to Kingdom come.  

I can only hope for fairness, that Jim has taken Ray to task about his
posting of articles, because per him, this is a violation of federal law.  

Pathetic yes, but he is so weak a person, he can't even handle the matter so
he filters me.  Certainly his right, but when some details does crop up that
offends the delicate genius he has to speak his mind.  

Essentially he either throws his legal mind around, or he belittles others.
Again I may wake up sober tomorrow, but Jim will still be a worthless jerk
for life.

Per the others who can't believe this matter is clogging our bandwidth I

Could someone forward this to Jimmy "Momma's Boy" McMaster for me. Dude I
will return the favor later.

Now I must return to beating children, harassing old ladies and boiling cats
alive, because some must think this is the evil person I am.

For once I would actually like to meet a listmember for reasons other than
friendly.  Jim is right in the sense that I would threaten him if given the

-----Original Message-----
From: Jim McMaster [mailto:mcmaster@sweng.stortek.com]
Sent: Tuesday, November 24, 1998 9:41 AM
To: Celtics@igtc.com
Subject: Re: Shame! 

In message <fad98787.365a0246@aol.com>, Douglas342@aol.com said:
>      Good lord, I thought this crap was over.  Why do all of you let each
> other under your skin so much?  If you don't like Jim/Greg/Noah's posts,
> DELETE them.   Don't read them.   I must be mentally ill, but I have never
> come close to wanting to disable anyone's posts.  Some are worth a second,
> others a few minutes.  But NO POST is worth getting upset over.   Please,
> would rather read columnists from Sacramento than you all complaining
> each other.  Good grief...
I have not said anything to Odorgaard in many, many months.  I have not even

seen his posts for that long.  He posts unprovoked personal attacks for no 
reason whatsoever, and I only see them because someone else includes them in

a list reply.  I do not know what kind of obsessive-personality he must have

to still be attacking me after all these months, but I feel he is obviously
sick mind and soul.  I got sick of Odorgaard's obscenity-laced personal 
attacks and threats of bodily harm, so I kill-filed him.  My choice.  If you

want to read his drivel, feel free.  Just don't ever DARE to disagree with 
him, and you will be fine.
Jim McMaster