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>The Boston Globe is so rabidly anti-Walker that I doubt anyone will step
>up and point out this self-evident and critically germane
>fact/viewpoint. Such an opinion really needs to be aired now,
>considering our Celtics already have gone twice as long without a
>championship as ever before. BUT NO, these "old school" Globe
>journalists would instead willingly abet the views of the "few" Boston
>fans who secretly applaud the Celtics for unceremoniously
>dumping-on-his-black-ass the one greedy local star who best personifies
>in their eyes what it means to act like an n-word, regardless of his
>widely-recognized value to the team (or that so far he's never done a
>thing wrong off the court except to help kids and to stay in terrific
>shape). Maybe I richly deserve to get my butt flamed for "revealing my
>racial agenda" or whatever. Please respect that I'm just seriously
>pissed off.  All I ask for is a group of Boston Celtics - of any color -
>who take losing very personally (for lack of a better phrase).  All I
>want are players who inspire confidence in fans that they will step up
>in big games, in pressure moments, as well as in head-to-head showdowns
>against the Shaqs and other All Stars out there. I don't freaking care
>if Mush and PJ know how to "play big."

I'm still not sure how much race has to do with this all.  If Antoine was
do you think the Globe would love him?  I think that the Globe loves to
create controversy (read sell more newspapers).

 Mush and PJ can kiss my golden
>I'm sorry.


Yeah.  Yeah.  They can kiss my Italian one.

