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Re: End of the world is close

What is more, I heard that Sprewell's lawyers were spewing legal jargon
that made no sense in this case. He either has really bad, self-centered
lawyers or he is pushing to pursue this. I have great faith in the ways of
the world balancing things out. He will, eventually, get his due. If not in
this life on earth, sometime.

Stern dismissed the merits of the case and I am sure, is not so willing now
to "welcome Latrell back into the league with open arms" as he was saying
about a month ago.

On the father stories: Massachusetts is the worst state for fathers. They
have no rights. I have a very close friend whose wife took his child, his
money and his furniture and disappeared. The next he heard, she had a
restraining order out against him. You don't need proof, you just tell the
judge you are scared. Three years later, he is not divorced and has to pay
$100 a week for a supervised 2-hour visit with his own child. The wife also
cut off the rest of his family. The judge ruled that the grandfather could
visit, but the wife tried to get that overturned. After two years, they had
gone through all the therapy needed and they were about to reunite my
friend with his son for unsupervised visits (by recommendation of the kid's
psychiatrist). The wife decided to switch the kid's psychiatrist to another
and the whole process had to begin again. It's a nightmare. The wife is
also interested in getting part of the family's substantial wealth and she
may. It's really disgusting what some women will do to "get back" at their

And then there's the Stephen Fagan case, so I guess fathers are capable as

