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Re: Give ML a break!

>Subj:	RE: Give ML a break!
>As for the Cs not going anywhere? they certainly weren't championship ready,
>or even really 'championship drioven', but it was essentially the team that
>won 35 games the year before, with a very talented rookie added. Reports
>were that most of the injuries did not have to be season ending, but players
>were encouraged to not rush back. And how much of the injury rash came from
>undisciplined guys not being in shape, anyways. 
>And let me make this clear, in case it's not -it's not the
>losses per se, so don't give me a pile of nonsense about only tanking it for
>the benefit of the franshise (although I also happen to find the very
>concept of doing so contemptible)- it's the way he screwed up the
>development of the players, so that we have Walker playing effectively his
>rookie year as a pro, Eric Williams turned into an apparnet attitude problem
>who got dealt because he thought he could apply ML's 'don't worry (or work),
>be happy' attitude to Pitino. Etc etc. ML didn't just lose games, he turned
>the entire flanchise into a laughingstock and did his best to guarantee we'd
>stay that way for a long time. The saddest part being that it was probably
>done with the best of intentions. Although also with a great deal of blindness.

BTW isn't this the stuff Dee Brown complained about when he asked to be 
traded?  Wasn't he ripped into the ground for it?  Where are the Dee Brown 
defenders?  At least Dee Brown was willing to be pissed off about the bullshit 
that was going on.
