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Re: foul shots

I agree with Matt on this one.  It's a case of proper mechanics, diligent 
practice repetition and focussed concentration.  With all due respect to 
my friend Greg, who I am sure is an excellent freebie shooter, there is a 
humungous difference between shooting in high school and the NBA.  Some 
players do not react as well as they could to the pressure of standing 
there in isolation at the line, with 15,000 people screaming in an 
unfriendly environment.  Walker is not the only culprit.  DeClercq is no 
Danny Ainge at the line either.

I think Walker's foul-shooting will improve with practice.  I once had a 
coach who would make us practice free throws with the loudest, most 
obnoxious music blasting in the background.  We hated that music so much 
that we eventually tuned it out, which, of course, was his hope.  It 
prepared us for the loudness we faced when we were the visitors.

On another note, it appears that RP is planning on keeping Dana, and 
perhaps his high ft% is one reason.  I do think that he has been hustling 
on defence more than in previous years, but he is finally playing for a 
real coach.
