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Re: Celtics/Bulls matchup problems

Count me as a believer that McHale would thoroughly abuse Rodman on the
blocks.  There was nobody who could defend his assortment of moves when he
got t the ball there.  And the way the refs like to whistle him especially
after headbutting on of their frat boys, he'd foul out i the first half.


-----Original Message-----
From: Jim Meninno <jim_meninno@hotmail.com>
To: celtics@igtc.com <celtics@igtc.com>
Date: Thursday, December 03, 1998 11:46 AM
Subject: Celtics/Bulls matchup problems

>OK, you got me thinking about the old Bulls vs. Celtics debate.  With
>Pippen guarding Bird and Rodman guarding McHale you can't tell me that
>Luc Longley can handle Chief.  He'd run rings around him.  Longley's
>leaden sneakers would be stuck to the floor as Parish used that spin
>move.  He'd be watching from half court as DJ or Bird hit him with full
>court passes.  He'd be fouled out by half time.  And, he wouldn't be
>much of a problem for Parish on the other end either (nor would Rodman
>be for Bird).  Leaving Chief and Bird to help defensively on the other
>two.  It really does sound like a slaughter.  The biggest question would
>be, would Parish have to come off the bench to guard himself, thereby
>causing a rift in the fabric of space/time and the end of the universe?
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