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On Thu, 23 Apr 1998, Jo Hironaka wrote:

> There is a specific reason why I love big butts so much.

> So getting to my point about my adoration of big butts, 

>IMO, a center prospect should be measured
>as much by the natural width of the butt (I like thick guys like Bob
>Lanier, Willis Reed and Wes Unseld) as by  wingspan.

	Thank you Sir Mix-a-Lot for your brilliant basketball insights.
Do you have any new music coming out soon?

davide <david.moskowitz@yale.edu> wrote:

>An interesting game to try: the next time you're watching a basketball
>game, compare the announcers' descriptions of the white and black
>See if these guidelines don't hold up:
>White: Leader, smart, heady, hard-working, consistent, overacheiver,
>understands the game, solid, not the most talented player
>in the world... 
>Black: Talented, athletic, mental error, leaper, underacheiver,
>inconsistent effort, raw potential, quick, fast, etc.

	Great point.  My friends and I actually do listen to announcers
for these types of comments, and they are very prevalent.  Sometimes we'll
make fun of the announcers by calling the game and referring to each
player as a "Coach on the floor" or a "Hot-shot".  So I got a kick out of
watching the recent Celtics/Nets game when Kieth Van Horn was talking to
Calipari during a break in the game and Tommy Heinsohn said, "There's the
coach on the bench talking with the coach on the floor...  What a pleasure
it is to coach a player like that...."
	Has anyone ever noticed how Bob Cousy will be talking about a
veteran player like Kevin Johnson and say,"This kid hasn't been able to
play up to his full potential because of injuries..."  Kid???  He's been
in the league for over 10 years.  It's obviously not done with a harmful
intent, but many announcers could use some kind of awareness training.
