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RE: Pitino's at it again.....

Vrankovich has improved since he played in Boston, still nothing to =
write home about but a center.  As for Barros being a legit 3 point =
threat, we have been hearing this for the last 3 years with nothing =
proven to date.  He can shoot them bricks as well as Todd Day though !.=20

At 05:52 PM 10/28/97 -0800, you wrote:
>Yes I like this move.  Rogers is a threat in the middle, I wouldn't be
surprised to see Declercq,  and Brown , Barros, Edney or Minor still =
in a package.   =20
>Declercq, Edney, and Barros to L.A.C for Barry, Vrankovich & ?
Yes I like the move also. Right now I'm more concerned with your sanity.
You would give up Barros a legit 3 point threat and player who has done
well under Pitino's system for=20
Barry and Vrakovich. I wouldn't take Barry because of his gene pool and
excuse me but were you alive when Vrankovich last wore the green?  He's
slow. Has bad hands. No shot.
No defense. What were you thinking?