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Re: The New Pete interview

	>From: "Schrade, Scott" 
	>Subject: Re: The New Pete interview 
>I'll tell ya', Bill, these were the first words from Pete since this
>story broke that that reminded me of the "old Pete."  Quite what that
>means I'm not sure,

I know *exactly* what you mean.
My first thought was "hey, here's finally the "poetic softy" Pete.  The Pete that makes me stop and really take note.
You can almost feel his serenity.
No buzzing there.

>but I just sensed Pete turning the corner on this
>whole ordeal & coming out of his fog (i.e. shock).

Fog.  Good way to put it.
I get that same fog feeling when anger takes over.
Clarity makes for a much more meaningful post.  Wait!  I mean statements from Pete!

<I especially felt gratified to see these statements:
>"I have been rapped on the knuckles and I don't want to appear like I 
>don't take this thing seriously." 

Acknowledgement.  Resignation. Acceptance.

>"There is a measure of the kind of rock'n'roll arrogance that I still 
>carry in my dotage that made me think I'd have no trouble with it. I 
>really thought of myself as a professional researcher who worked to 
>help victims, not a guitar-smashing rock star. But the old rock star
>arrogance carried me into very dangerous water."

Gettin' in Tuuuuune.  Right in Tune.

>True, but it carries a sense of realization as to 
>the gravity & severity of the mistake.  It shows Pete has been humbled.  
>He's losing that "I'm the victim!" stance which irked me & others so 

I'm right with you.
Are you sure we're not twins or something??

>You are forgiven.  You are forgiven.  

I wouldn't be surprised now if we see even more remorse on Friday.
He's back in touch with his feelings.

Got to wonder if there's been contact between Phoenix Survivors and Pete.
I actually replied to an E-mail by PS1, and asked her to contact Pete, if for not other reason than to help him with his past memories.  While she didn't state she would, she understood where I was coming from.
Curious how this sugars (VT term) out.

Kevin in VT