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It don't really happen that way at all

Kevin in VT wrote:  "(Getting back to The Who) Poor Gary. Is he sick, or
just doing what the rest of western society (except The Netherlands, I guess
;) thinks is wrong.
*Is* there *really* a difference?"

Yes.  Sickness addresses the question of why he does it.  Society thinking
it wrong addresses the question of what problems his behavior causes.

Purchasing, enjoying or traficking in pornographic pictures (still or
moving) of children is thought to be wrong in this society.  While the
individual behavior of Gary may only involve him and have no direct impact
on a particular child, the market for such materials can create situations
that would be dangerous for children.  Harm to children is bad. 
Participating in a market for these materials is bad.

Should he be strung up?  No
Should his Quad performances get trashed because he did some illegal stuff? 
No - I like Quad and want to see high quality video from the concerts.  What
I want should take priority :-)

I am not a lawyer, but I can sound like one.