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Re: Mistakes

>  >Oprah: "Favorite song of all times."
>>George W. Bush: "Uh, 'Wake Up Little Susie,' Buddy Holly."
>A difference which makes no difference is no difference.


Congratulations for missing the point again. I'm not saying your 
quote was wrong, just out of context. Bush corrected himself, 
promptly and without assistance.

>He's still an idiot and musically ignorant. Only an idiot would not 
>know who performs their "favorite song,"

Only an idiot would claim to have invented the internet when he didn't.
Only an idiot would claim to have discovered the pollution at Love 
Canal when he didn't.
Only an idiot would claim that the book "Love Story" was written 
about him and his wife when it wasn't.
Only an idiot would claim credit for writing legislation written 
before he was elected to Congress (Earned Income Tax Credit, 
Strategic Petroleum Reserves, et al.).
Only an idiot would say he has never changed his position on abortion 
when there is documented proof that he has.
Only an idiot would say that an impeached president "will be regarded 
in the history books as one of our greatest presidents."
Only an idiot would write that the internal combustion engine is the 
greatest threat to mankind (Earth in the Balance).
Only an idiot would say "Bosniacs" instead of "Bosnians."
Only an idiot would make up a story (lie) about his mother-in-law's 
prescription drug costing more than his dog's identical prescription 
Only an idiot would say he's willing to debate his opponent "anytime, 
anywhere" and then only accept the three Presidential Commission 

Gore has done all of these things.

Only an idiot or a liar. I'm willing to accept either possibility.

>Of course, if he's not an idiot then he was lying, or playing to the
>audience as Gore is often accused of doing. I'm willing to consider either
>possibility. In any case, only Pat Buchcanan is less suited for the
>To make you happy, I will amend my sig to be completely accurate.

Where's the sig Mark? Are you an idiot for leaving it off? Does that 
make you unfit to run a record store? Does that make you unfit to 
write e-mail?

No. It's a mistake. Everyone makes them. Even John. Even Roger. Even 
you. Relax.

>How quickly and well anybody recovers from a mistake is the measure of their
>expertise, for sure.


Thanks for unwittingly supporting my point.


"I've always said it's perfectly fine to eliminate Medicaid."
	- Albert Arnold Gore, "Jr." Presidential wannabe