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>He played with the remarkable Who, but that was nothing.  He wanted 
>the Beach Boys instead.


That's not the way I understand it. Yes, Keith loved the Beach Boys 
music (and surf music in general), but having read both of his 
biographies, I never thought he wanted to BE a Beach Boy. Don't you 
think he would have known that neither his drumming nor his voice 
would fit that group? (Maybe not.) According to Fletcher's book, the 
name of Keith's first band, the Beachcombers, was a misnomer. They 
did some surf covers near the end of Keith's tenure at his request, 
but they were not a surf band. IMO, the only sense in which The Who 
was not enough for Keith was in the '70s when they weren't touring 
enough and he had to figure out how to live a "normal" life off the 

>Well at least you extend it off Face Dances and It's Hard.  One of the
>things that irritates me about criticism of those two albums is I see many
>of the same "flaws" in the Who Are You LP and even Empty Glass.  "Cat's In
>The Cupboard" and "Gonna Get You"?  Good crash-bash workouts but lyrically
>they make "Did You Steal My Money" look good.  And "Guitar And Pen" and
>"Keep On Working" are not that different from "How Do You Do It Alone."


AHH! Nothing on WAY or EG is as bad those two FD songs! "Gonna Get 
You" has clever (if lightweight) wordplay with fabulous music. "Cat's 
In The Cupboard" and "Keep On Working" may be weaker by EG standards 
but they're not THAT bad. I realize I may like "Guitar And Pen" more 
than some people (or most people), but it's not nearly as clumsy and 
awkward as "Did You Steal My Money" or "How Do You Do It Alone." 
(IMHO, of course.)

>So, I made myself a nice little 90 minute cassette tape which I call LIFEHOUSE
>& I listen to it often in my car.


Would you like to share your song list with the rest us?

>And you know what......I'm happy.

Well, as long as you're happy.

>It's a good tape.  I kinda created my own song order & used some of 
>the synthesizer stuff from PSYCHODERELICT to add some flavor.
>Speaking of PSYCHODERELICT, does anyone have that 7-song CD, little,
>EP-like release with that "Pyscho Montage" song on it?

No, I haven't heard of it. Does it have stuff not on PD or PD (Music Only)?

>Since we're discussing FACE DANCES, "Somebody Saved Me" is one of those
>narratives that I dearly love.  But who is Pete talking about here?
>>But there was a soul in whom I could depend
>He worked himself crazy while I laid in bed
>I never leaned on a person like I leaned right then
>And when I finally woke up clean
>My friend was dead, stone dead


Someone's probably answered this already, but just in case, I believe 
he's talking about Kit Lambert.
