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Re: Noncewatch

Date: Sun, 27 Jul 2003 04:22:59 +0000
From: "L. Bird" <pkeets@xxxxxxxxxxx>

When I read that a while back I understood it like they were saying Pete
accepted the caution to avoid a possible jail sentence, if he fought it
instead. Then they referred to him as a sick bastard. Not cool at all.

What do you make of this statement?

"We don't see the value to labeling Townsend a sex offender."

I interpret it as Keith does. What I make of that statement is that they want him to go to jail. They don't think merely putting Pete on a register is going to do anything toward curbing or eliminating his sick-bastard true inclinations, which he has regrettably managed to mask well enough to avoid jail time. They are comforted, however, by the thought that the has "a lifetime left of a reputation for checking out child porn."

"Five years on the Sex Offender Registry Board is nothing!"

Sure sounds like they're sorry he didn't get more severe penalties. I don't know what dialogue's been going on between them and any IGTC'ers but to me it reads like they've decided Pete is one that got away :-P.

"That's unbelievable, if that's true"
   -- Howard Stern, 5/25/00