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Re: Oh yeah? Well you're a dodo head!

PDooger, re: 

>>> If insulting is something you must do, just E-mail, or call, or stalk, or
kill, or rape the other party, I don't care. Just leave the rest of us out of
this, because we don't give a shit.  Really . . . we don't care . . . I

     Okay, I know your comments are "tongue-in-cheek", so with that in mind, 
no need to point out that it WOULD bother me if someone on the list raped or
killed another (unless of course it was a consenting adult!)

>>>  The others of us on the list won't think any less of you for not
"defending your honor" in front of us.  We are not judging the fight, giving
out points for each attack, trying to decide who's right or wrong. I mean most
of us are never going to meet anyway.  We don't care about it.

     This I agree with.  I will NOT think any less of anyone for not 
defending his/her honor in front of us.  Actually, I usually end up thinking 
less about some of these people when they DO respond -- I mean, look at some
of the responses posted!  It's amazing some of these people can type!

>>> *****I would appreciate everyone else who feels the same way to send in a
short mailing in support of this, just to get the point across.  I believe I'm
not in the minority here. (Please don't mention names, issues, specifics, I
don't want to start another pointless insulting match.  Just write that you
would 'appreciate it if the name calling stopped' or someting to that effect.)

     Actually, PDooger, I believe you are correct...you are probably not the 
minority.  But does anyone really want to be connected with the "Moral 
     I'm sure your intentions are good.  And, in fact, I remember you had 
posted that Who-related Bibliography.  That was excellent!  I just don't 
like the idea of any kind of censorship, in any form, except for 
self-censorship (whatever that means!)  So, while you have good intentions, 
and while the idea of "restricting" what is posted may be in theory a "good"
idea, please keep in mind what the next step is.  First "they" say you 
shouldn't post anything bad about anyone else.  Then "they" say you can't 
post anything about something else.  Pretty soon "they" tell you you can't 
post anything.  Believe me, regulating ideas is a scary thing. I understand
and respect where you are coming from on this issue -- please think about
where I am coming from.

>>> I really wan't to end this stuff for good, and make the mailing list a
better place.

     I think the best place is a free forum, warts and all.  I continue to 
think so.

                gary m.

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