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Re: Car Of The Century

From: stefanopolus <stefan@opolus.com>
To: gti-vr6@cobra.ccsi.com <gti-vr6@cobra.ccsi.com>; jettaglx@igtc.com
Date: Wednesday, January 27, 1999 0340z
Subject: Car Of The Century

>A year or two ago, much to the chagrin of us Volks Folks, the Toyota
>Corolla surpassed the VW Beetle as best-selling car of all time.

Hahahahahaha!!!!, woah!. That's just impossible. I-M-P-O-S-S-I-B-L-E.

The Beetle has been practically unchanged since 1938 until today. It's
imposibble that there could be more than 22,300,000 Toyota Corollas in the

As probably 99.9% of car enthusiasts don't know, the Volkswagen Beetle, the
same the world knew back in 1938, is being made today (450 cars produced
daily) in Volkswagen de Mexico. The Beetle crossed the 21,000,000 mark back
in 1991!!.

The Corolla is a completely different car now than when it was produced for
the first time. So, if Ford continued making the 'T' model looking like a
Sable and because the sable sold too well, the numbers go for the 1903 car?.

No one will pass the Beetle mark (which is still growing by 450 *a day*)
until at least 20 or 30 years, and that applies only if someone plans to be
selling one model for 40 years or so, and selling better than the Beetle.
That hasn't happened yet.

No discussion of any kind. The car of the century is the Beetle.

- Alex Kunstmann