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Re: Radar Detectors & Bear Trackers..from the "cop" we all love to hate

On Feb 6, 10:12pm, Kenny H wrote:

> I think that a good radar detector should not
> beep, it should just say, "please pull to the shoulder and get out your
> license and registration."

Hmm...then all the Chippies must be amatures....

Admittedly, there is no radar dector that will save you from being the
lone driver on I5 when the cop decides to fire off his gun.  That's
a given.  What you're looking for here is what are called "stray
emissions".  A radar gun probably gets back 1% of the signal it sends.
(Just guessing...anyone know?)  All the energy has to go somewhere,
and you're hoping to catch a piece of it.  So the more sensitive a
receiver, the better chance you have of being aware that an officer of
the law is nearby.

That's why it's worth it.

John A. Kilpatrick                        Systems/Network Administrator
kilpatri@sgi.com                       Silicon Graphics Inc., Team TREX
http://reality.sgi.com/kilpatri/	                 (650) 933-4387
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