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Re: Best Oil?

>Is it worth going to synthetic oils in the GLX?   I have just passed the
>barrier for my free oil changes at the dealer, and was wondering if I should
>change to synthetic, i.e. Mobil 1, Castrol, Valvoline, Redline etc, or just
>stick to the ole standard Valvoline 10-30, are there any other weights that
>you folks on the list
> would recommend? My regional climate is 93-115F summertime, and
>40-85F in the fall, and 30-50F winter.  I also plan to change the oil every
>5k miles.  Any other opinions?  I didn't catch the name of the person that
>is the Master Tech at VW, what is your opinion.

Uh-oh. This will start up a long thread. *grin*
My recommendations? Like they're worth two flying squirrels, but here 
they are just the same. Mobil 1 is what I use when I use full synthetic. 
Good stuff. Pricey. Sometimes I can't afford it, so I go with Castrol 
Syntec Blend. It's a blend of synthetic and organic, and might even be 
better than full synthetic. Some people feel so. Regardless, it's good, 
plus it's cheaper, I've found, than Mobil 1 full synthetic. Use either of 
those, or let the VW folks put in their own stuff, which is okay in a 
pinch. DON'T use "any old" filter. If you must, even though it's more 
expensive, bring your OWN oil to the VW dealership and have them do it, 
which ensures that you get the genuine VW oil filter (Bosch brand, I 
believe) plus your own chosen type of oil. Ask for the oil containers 
back AFTER they're done (claim it's for some rebate or some such). That 
way you get a good feeling that they actually put YOUR oil into YOUR car, 
and not into their own. *grin* You can buy the filters yourself. I'm not 
sure exactly from where, but it'll save you some cash if you wish to do 
it all yourself. I prefer to, but I don't always have time. Plus, the oil 
filter is a pain in the erse to get at in the VR6. I change my '84 GLi's 
oil myself every time, but those old 4-bangers are so easy to work on 
it's not big deal.
Anyhow, my thoughts on the subject. I'm sure you'll get a billion more 

     /|=-    Thomas J. Boyer   --=|/
    /|=-    cyng@lamere.net   --=|/