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Re: lets do the math... HP to weight ratio

Sorry boys, but I have been out of town...

> Modifications
> (Chip, filter and muffler only, lets say no weight diff)
> Model  Weight  HP    lbs/hp
> A4     2877 / 215 =  13.38 (We have a winner!!)

This is about 1500 bucks worth of mods for an A4, and I have heard of A$
exhausts costing as much as 900 bucks...  ouch!  Not to mention the car
costs 26K

> GTI    2811 / 190 =  14.79
> GLX    2927 / 190 =  15.41

This is about 5-600 bucks worth of mods to a GTI/GLX, on a car that was
only 19K to begin with...  the choice is clear to me.  Give me 7000
dollars to play with...  and whoa nelly!

And one more thing, traction control is for pussies.

Billy T.
It doesn't take a genius to mash the throttle and go.