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RE: Mr. Sunshine (was RE: AUDI CREAMED)

You are just mad that my NB whipped the shit out of a Audi.  Mater mechanic 
my ass.  More like fetch me boy.  I heard a rumor that you have a hopped up 
Yougo with a chain saw motor in it.  Any truth to this?  Wrench turner, 
maybe you should get a real job.  The only mechanics that I have ever known 
with the exception of a few were losers!!

Talk shit to me, I give it back

-----Original Message-----
From:	deecee@exit109.com [SMTP:deecee@exit109.com]
Sent:	Sunday, October 11, 1998 1:37 PM
To:	jettaglx@igtc.com
Subject:	Re: Mr. Sunshine (was RE: AUDI CREAMED)

At 07:45 AM 10/11/98 -0400, you wrote:
>> Figures Bryan you would be one of the dumb asses to buy the New (piece 
>> shit) Beetle. Chances are you will never look under the hood much less 
>> any work on that piece of crap.
>> Yes I said crap. This car is the rebirth of the Type IV.
>> Don
>Ahhh,..Don. Glad to see you're still your old Happy self. Each post is
>*super* lively,  like a funeral. Stuck in the corner, talking to Aunt 
>Hearing about her colostomy bag.....Don, you're like Aunt Mable.
>Keep thinking those Happy Thoughts, Don.
>Wally G.

Cool Wally, I believe I was told you are a lawyer. Therefore you don't live
in the real world. Threfore you don't have to work on the NewBeetle. If you
did you would change your tune.

Blow me

Don  Just back from a funeral Yours