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Re: Bottom End Performance Mods

On Oct 9,  8:50pm, deecee@exit109.com wrote:
> Here is an example of what could happen.   GLX comes in with a hole in the
> transmission case because of flying differential rivets. The technician
> finds that the engine ECM has been chipped. VW makes the decision not to
> cover the repairs because of driver abuse.
> What happens now?  Do you think the Mod friendly dealer will step forward
> and pick up the bill? I don't think so.

But under the law, wouldn't they have to prove that the chip caused
the problem?  Or, legally speaking, is the mere presence of a chip

John A. Kilpatrick                        Systems/Network Administrator
kilpatri@sgi.com                       Silicon Graphics Inc., Team TREX
http://reality.sgi.com/kilpatri/	                 (650) 933-4387
                "Kick! Punch! It's all in the mind..."